Chapter 4
Bharat's carpet wagon had nearly crested the front range of the YehimalMountains when the Queen's Guard finally caught up to it. The riders, mounted onshaggy mountain ponies about the size of a good war dog, traveled lightly, withlittle more than sabers, haversacks, and long woolen hauberks that served as both coat and armor. Behind them, three days back and a thousand switchbacksdown the wooded mountainside, lay the misty forests of Edenvale. The capitalitself was still visible, a tiny dun-colored circle on the far horizon.
The guards, all rugged-faced Mar accustomed to the rigors of mountain travel,urged their ponies into a trot, surrounding the wagon on all sides. Bharat feigned surprise and reached for the axe beneath his seat, as though mistaking the ridersfor a company of road bandits.
"We are the Queen's Men, driver," said the leader. He spoke in Thorass toindicate he was on official business. "You have nothing to fear from us, unless you are the one hiding Ysdar's devil and his murderous servants—and if you are, youwill not escape us anyway. Let us have a look in your cart."
Bharat glanced around at the riders, then sighed and reluctantly reined hisstrange oxen—the beasts were called "yaks"—to a halt. "I have no devils with me," he said plainly. "I will show you."
Bharat wrapped the reins around a seat brace and turned to crawl into the cargoarea, but the leader swung his lance down to block the way.
"We will look ourselves. This devil is very clever and dangerous. Perhaps he and hisservants slipped into your cart when you were not looking. I would not want youinjured."
Bharat turned his palms to the sky, shrugging, and sat back down. A dozen riders dismounted, passing their lances and reins to their fellows, then stepped tothe rear of the wagon. Half of them drew their sabers and stood ready to attack. Theothers began to drag Bharat's carpets out of the cargo bed, unrolling each one andtossing it into the middle of the muddy road.
"What are you doing?" Bharat exclaimed. "That is my whole fortune!"
"A little dirt will do no harm to a good carpet," the leader replied.
"But why is it necessary to unroll them all?" Bharat demanded, growing genuinelyangry. "If your devil and his servants had rolled themselves up inside my carpets,surely men as astute as yours would notice the bulges!"
"This is a very clever devil. We do not know what he can do," the leader said, andgave Bharat a cockeyed sneer, showing a single gold tooth. "Perhaps you are eventhis devil in disguise."
The implication was clear enough. Too much protesting could be taken the wrongway. Bharat watched in silence as the searchers spread his carpets across theroad, then started on his provisions and personal belongings. They looked insideeverything, even water-skins, and felt inside the pockets of his extra clothes. They opened his food bags and ran their filthy hands through his rice and barley, and theydrained his oil jar into a cooking pot.
Bharat could only shake his head. “This devil's magic must be very powerful," hesaid, "if you think he can breathe cooking oil."
"Very powerful indeed," the leader assured him. "He can fight four men at once andcommand ogres to do his will, and several Ffolk have seen him walk on air. QueenRosalind herself told me he knows things no man should know."
Truly?" Bharat asked.The leader nodded, and the corners of his mouth turned down in a self-impressedscowl. "She said we must catch him, or there will be Ysdar to pay."
When the searchers had finally emptied the wagon, they began to crawl around thecargo bed on their hands and knees, rapping the floor and walls with the hilts of their daggers. Bharat watched nervously.
"Are you not satisfied yet?" he demanded. "You have delayed me too long already,and I am expected in Borobodur."The leader only grinned and waited, and it did not take long before one of thesearchers located the hollow sound of the wagon's secret compartment.
The leader grinned. "A smuggler's hole?"
"A merchant's friend," Bharat countered. "Used only to protect honest profits fromroad thieves and not for any other purpose.""Then, as you are only now on your way to market, I expect it would be empty.""Not exactly.""I see." The leader looked to the men at the back of the wagon. "Perhaps we should
open it."
Three more guards clambered into the crowded wagon, their swords at the ready.When they could not figure out how to open the compartment, another soldierstepped around to retrieve the axe from under Bharat's seat.
Bharat placed a restraining hand on the fellow's arm. "Wait," he said. "I will open it for you." The leader nodded his permission. Bharat slipped a hand behind the seat and tripped a hidden lever, then reached back and motioned the guards to pry up the
center of the floor. Underneath lay a foot-deep compartment just large enough to hold a man. At the moment, the space contained nothing but a leather rucksack, so new that its beeswax waterproofing was still shiny and slick. The searchers opened the top and turned it upside down, but nothing fell out.
"That is all?" the leader demanded. "Why would a carpet seller be hiding a newrucksack?" Bharat shrugged. "It seemed a good place to store it." The leadernarrowed his eyes suspiciously, then rode around to the back of the wagon andpeered inside. When it grew obvious that the cart held no more secrets, he shookhis head in puzzlement. He motioned his men to their ponies and looked backto Bharat.
"Apologies for troubling an honest merchant such as yourself," the leadersaid, speaking from the back of the wagon. "We have not found this devil yet, but he is here in the mountains. If you happen across him, you must run theother way and report it to the first Queen's Man you see. He is a very wickeddevil who will not hesitate to kill you in a horrible manner and eat your body."Bharat's mouth fell as though frightened. “Truly?" "Yes." The leader noddedofficiously, then rode to the front of the wagon and spoke in a confidentialvoice. "I should not tell you this, but we have troubled you greatly, and you will have need of the knowledge." "What you tell me, I will never repeat to a livingsoul." "Good. Then I can be terribly candid with you." The leader leaned inclose and said, "This is a very particular devil who delights in stealing thefirstborn child. We have only been chasing him for three days, and already wehave spoken to nine fathers who have lost their eldest in this manner.
" Nine?" Bharat gasped. "The gluttonous beast!"The leader sat up straight in his saddle, then added, "Nine that we know of." "Then I will seek out a Queen's Man the instant I see him," Bharat replied. "But
if this devil can trick even you, how will I recognize him?""Oh, you will know him. He is an ugly monster, as terrible to look upon as Ysdarhimself. He will be served by a sly bahrana and a western ogre whose skin hasturned orange from bathing in blood." The leader glanced back and, seeing that hismen were ready to ride, waved them forward. "Are
you able to re-pack your goods without our help? We must be off.""Yes, yes, I am grateful for your warning." Bharat shooed the man up the road."After the devil!"
His consent was hardly necessary. The leader was already guiding his ponyinto line with the rest of the company. Bharat wearily climbed down, then selected two large stones from the side of the road and blocked the front wheels so hisyaks could rest. He went to the rear of the wagon and carefully poured his cookingoil back into its jar, then wiped the pot clean with the sleeve of his tunic. Finally,when the last of the Queen's Men had disappeared around the switchback and hewas sure they weren't coming back, Bharat walked a short distance down the road and looked up the steep mountainside. He could see nothing but the massive tree trunks and impenetrable rhododendron undergrowth of a lush firforest.
"Perhaps my friends would care to come out now?" he asked. "We must hurryand re-pack, if we are to find a safe campsite before the evening rains start."Atreus and his two companions sat up, plucking rhododendron branches out of their sleeves, collars, and pant legs.
"There is no need to camp," said Rishi, casting a sly grin in Atreus's direction. wewill just ask Ysdar's devil to shrink us, then we will spend a dry and cozy night in an empty jar... or perhaps in a yak's ear. I am sure it is warm in there."
"A most excellent idea," agreed Bharat, "but I will be too afraid to sleep. Yago
has not had his bath today!"
The ogre scowled. "I was born orange," he said, pulling the treasure basket
from its hiding place. "And I don't take that many baths."
"Indeed," commented Bharat. "And yet you smell as sweet as a lily."
"You Mar," Atreus snapped, in no mood for joking. "Is there not one of you who
isn't a born liar?"
Rishi and Bharat fell silent and sullen. Atreus did not care. He was
accustomed to being thought slovenly, wicked, and even stupid because of
how he looked, but this was the first time anyone had accused him of being a
cannibal and a kidnapper. By the time they reached the Sisters of Serenity, that
rumor mongering patrol leader would have every traveler in the Yehimals ready
to behead Atreus in his sleep.
Motioning Yago to follow, Atreus scrambled down to the road and returned tothe wagon. When Bharat and Rishi came up behind him conversing softly inMaran, he whirled on them.
"You will do me the kindness of speaking in Realmspeak or not at all. I've enough to worry about without wondering what you two are plotting," Atreus said sternly, then snatched the rucksack off the road and turned to Bharat."What is this for?"
"You will n-need it," the Mar explained. "You cannot reach the Sisters of Serenity in a carpet wagon. You will have to walk many days."
Atreus frowned. "Then why is
there only one rucksack?" Bharat's face paled
from its normal golden bronze to saffron. He looked to Rishi for
"Good sir, there is no reason for being angry," said Rishi. "it is only that there
are no rucksacks large enough for Yago, and Bharat did not know how strong
you are for one of the Ffolk. He assumed most naturally that I would be carrying
your load."
"Yes, yes—very good! That is just so," said Bharat. "In the Utter East, wealthyFfolk hire porters to carry their things."
He flashed his too-bright smile and waited for his employer to accept theexplanation. Atreus simply climbed into the wagon and returned the rucksack toits cubbyhole, then pushed the floor back into place. The porter's explanation made senseas far as it went, but he still did not understand why the carpet seller had hiddenthe sack in the first place. Certainly, the Queen's Men had not seemed terriblyupset at finding it, and that left only him and Yago that Bharat could have beenconcealing it from. The two Mar would bear even more watching than he originally thought.
Atreus settled onto his haunches. "Why don't you pass the baggage in? I'll pack." He reached out to accept the first load. "And I'm sorry for that remark aboutborn liars. If anyone should know better than to say such things, it's me. That patrol leader's lies made me angry."
Bharat's insincere smile remained on his face as he said, "No apologynecessary. The captain was indeed a very big liar. He made me angry as well."
"Ignorant Mar like him are what made Queen Rosalind reluctant to help you,"Rishi added as he hefted a sack of rice into the wagon. "Someday, I will give youhis tongue."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
Atreus grimaced, then moved the rice to the front of the cargo bed. They finishedre-packing the wagon quickly, leaving a place between the carpets so he and Yago could lie down and hide when they passed someone on the road.
That night, Atreus had Yago stay close to the treasure basket and politely refusedto go to his bed inside the wagon until Bharat and Rishi had gone to theirs underญneath it. His caution was somewhat unnecessary. Only he could open the cofferinside the treasure basket and it was too heavy for either Mar to carry off, but hewanted them to know he was thinking about the possibility as much as they were.
The next day dawned clear and cold, as did most in the Yehimals. After a breakfastof warm yak milk and cold barley, they traveled a few hours up to the end of the valley.There, much to Atreus's amazement, the road started up a mountainside longer andsteeper than the one they had crested just the night before. As they ascended, therhododendron undergrowth vanished, giving way to silver-barked bushes Atreusdid not recognize. The trees grew smaller and closer together, and the breezebecame cool and thin. The valley in which they had camped the night before seemedas distant and low as had the plains of Edenvale, and still they climbed. When theafternoon mists came, their breaths turned into billowing clouds of vapor, and a chilldampness sank into their bones.
They continued to climb for three more days, the forest eventually growing thin andpatchy, sometimes vanishing altogether when the slope became too steep or rocky.The wind nipped at their ears, and their own breaths kept them swaddled in perpetualclouds of white steam. Gradually, Atreus pretended to let his guard down. He neglected to remind Yago to keep a close watch on the basket, then started to go tobed first. He paid less attention to his treasure and complained more often aboutfatigue and cold. He even had Yago forget to take the basket with him when he went tosleep at night, and still the Mar made no attempt to steal his gold.Eventually, they crested this mountainside too, and began to cross an endlesssuccession of ridges and valleys. often, they traveled miles through alpinemeadows far above the timber-line, then descended into deep valleys full mist and mountain bamboo. Several times a day, they met Yago caravans coming in theopposite direction. Atreus and Yago would hide beneath the carpets while Rishiand Bharat stopped to gossip, for travelers in the Yehimals had long, ago learnedthe wisdom of pausing to hear what lay ahead.The news was always of Ysdar's ugly devil, and the accounts grew increasinglyexaggerated. Tales such as his ogre having slaughtered a herd of yaks, his Mar servant maiming all the children in a village, and the devil himself murdering anentire company of the Queen's Men were common. Of course, no one couldname the places where any of this had occurred. Rishi and Bharat seemed to findthese stories a great amusement. After hearing one, their moods grew as jocularas Atreus's did foul. Eventually, the two Mar stopped translating the reports for their master, knowing that the latest accounts of his outrages would make their "goodsir" even angrier than their refusal to repeat what was being said about him.
Twice after hearing that the Queen's Men were approaching, Atreus, Rishi,and Yago had to hide in the rocks while a patrol searched the wagon. The inspections went much the same as before, save that Bharat now accepted them as a matter of course and insisted on having his rugs neatly stacked insteadof strewn all over the road. The rucksack continued to draw comment, as the soldiers could not imagine a merchant abandoning his goods to go trekking through the mountains.Finally, the morning came when Atreus opened his treasure basket to check the coffer inside and saw scratch marks on the brass latch. He was less surprised todiscover his companions had tried to break into the chest than that Yago had notheard the attempt. The ogre had slept beside the basket all night without noticing athing.
Atreus closed the lid and said nothing, though now he began to worry. So far, they
had not reached any of the valleys or mountains named on Sune's map, and the
thought occurred to him that Rishi might not know how to find the Sisters of Serenity
after all. Perhaps the two Mar were simply leading him about blindly, waiting for their
chance to rob and abandon him—or worse. Given the hideous rumors coursing
through the mountains, they could murder him and be hailed as heroes. Atreus and
Yago began to sleep in shifts, napping in the wagon and closing their eyes at night
only after they were certain the two Mar had slumbered off.
They had been traveling little more than a ten-day when Bharat, preparing theirusual supper of fried vegetables over rice, turned the oil jar over and nothing cameout. He cursed and hurled the vessel against a rock. As it shattered, he turned to Rishiand spoke in rapid Maran. Rishi shook his head and made an angry reply, thenglanced across the fire to where Atreus was sitting.
Atreus signaled Yago with a glance, then gathered his legs beneath himself andreluctantly shifted his weight to the balls of his feet They were camped well above the timber-line, huddled on the lee side of a boulder with a snowstorm blowing in,wrapped tight in their cloaks and burning dried yak dung they had gathered along the
road. At the moment, the last thing Atreus felt like doing was fighting off a robbery attempt.
The two Mar continued to argue in their strange tongue of melodic syllables andguttural clicks, now entirely oblivious to their companion."Use Realmspeak," Atreus said. "I don't like being left out of arguments... particularly when they're about me." Bharat turned at once, his ever-ready smile plastered across his face, and said, "Ohno, the good sir is not to be deceived. We are not arguing about you... we are notarguing at all."
"We were only discussing a small matter, which is of no importance to you," added Rishi. Atreus scowled at the shards of the broken oil jar and said, "We are four companions traveling together. What is important to one is important to all."
Rishi shrugged, then glanced at Bharat and said, "Very well. I suppose it must besaid. We are running out of food. This is why Bharat is upset."
Atreus studied Bharat until the Mar's counterfeit grin began to twitch, then asked, "Why should we be running out of food? You knew we would be going to the Sisters ofSerenity."
"Just so, but I knew also that the Queen's Men would be searching for you," Bharatreplied. "What would they think if they found food for three men and an ogre in a wagon with only one driver? I did the best I could."
"And you made no plans to replenish our supplies?"
Bharat fell silent and glanced away, flustered.
"It is the soldiers," said Rishi, coming to his rescue. "They are making things difficult."
"Ah yes, the soldiers," Bharat said, his gaze swinging back to Atreus. "With all the rumors they are spreading, it is too dangerous to buy anything from the villages.These mountain Mar are terrible gossips, always asking questions and looking underother people's carpets."
"Bharat is very discouraged by this," Rishi said. He gestured at his companion's ample stomach. "He is not accustomed to missing meals. No doubt, it would help if he had something else to think about. Perhaps you could pay him what he has earnedso far through his loyal services?"Thinking the request a reasonable one, Atreus reached for his belt purse—thenremembered where he had left it and pulled his hand away.
"Very clever, Rishi," he said.
"Good sir?"
"What happens when I open the coffer?" Atreus asked. "Do you plant one of yourlittle throwing daggers in Yago's throat, and Bharat another in my back?"
Rishi's eyes went wide. "Never!"
"Why not?" Atreus glanced from Rishi to Bharat. "You know you can't slip the lock.I've seen the scratch marks where you tried." Bharat's jaw fell, and he turned to gape at Rishi in feigned outrage. "You? Arobber?" "Bharat, don't play the innocent," Atreus said, shaking his head. "It would be amistake to assume that because I am ugly, I am also stupid. You're in on his plan."
"Plan?" Bharat tried to look indignant. "What plan?"
"You aren't taking me to the Sisters of Serenity at all." Atreus did not try to keepthe bitterness out of his voice, and Yago rose, curling his big hands into fists. "Youbrought me up here to rob me."
"Not true!" Bharat protested. "We are only two days from where your map starts."
Without quite realizing what he was doing, Atreus stepped around the fire andsnatched Bharat up by the collar. "Don't take me for a fool!" Rishi was up instantly, pushing himself between his friend and Atreus. "Oh, Bharat would never do that," he insisted. "Never in a thousand lifetimes!"
Atreus released the Mar and stepped back, surprised by the depth of his rage. Hehad to clench his fists to keep his hands from trembling, and his face and ears were so full of hot anger that he no longer felt the cold bite of the wind."I'm sorry if I frightened you," Atreus said, "but I warned you. Nothing makesme angrier than being treated as though I'm stupid."
Bharat glared at him from the opposite side of the fire. "We do not need you!" hespat. "It is you who need us! How would you find your Langdarma without us? Whatwould happen if we told the Queen's Men about you?"
"You don't want to find out," growled Yago.
Atreus met the Mar's angry stare, and neither of them said anything.
It was Rishi who finally spoke. "Perhaps this is my fault to some small degree.
Perhaps I have, most inadvertently and only through the best of intentions, misled the
good sir in a manner most trivial and unimportant."
Atreus scowled. "How would that be?"
"In a tiny way that will have no impact whatsoever on the ultimate outcome of ourendeavor, as is evidenced by the heavy presence in this part of the Yehimals of the
Queen's Men, who are most assuredly here only because the Sisters of Serenity
must be somewhere nearby."
"Rishi, are you telling me you don't know where the Sisters are?"
"Not at all! I have a very good idea where they might be," Rishi said, then took a step
backward. "It is only that I have never actually ... seen them myself. But I have
traveled to one of the valleys on your map, by means of a secret caravan route used
by certain, uh ... traders from Konigheim. If we can find this trail, I am confident we
will eventually find the Sisters of Serenity. As I have said, the Queen's Men would not
be gathering in this area if our destination was not near."
Atreus groaned and fell silent, pondering his slim chances of reaching the peaks
without the help of his two companions. Given his ignorance of the Yehimals and the
unlikelihood of "Ysdar's devil" receiving help from the superstitious mountain people, he
realized that Bharat had been right. He needed the Mar more than they wanted his
Atreus turned to Bharat "You can take me to the valley at the edge of this map?" "Did I not say so?" Bharat's voice was still filled with disdain. "The closest is onlytwo days away."
"Then you will have your payment in two days."
Atreus went to the cart and pulled his treasure basket out, placing it on theground beside the fire. He lifted the lid, then reached inside and touched the wooden coffer, placing his palm over the magic ward that sealed the chest. Hedid not bother to hide this from the two Mar, as only his touch would release theenchanted lock.
Atreus opened the coffer, revealing the mass of golden coins inside. He grabbed a handful and passed them to Bharat. "This gold means nothing to me, and it will only prove a burden in trying to reach Langdarma. After I amcertain that you have led me to the edge of my map, you can take your thirdand leave."
"My third?" Bharat gasped.
"That does not seem fair?"
"Very fair!" Bharat gasped again. Despite his words, his gaze remained lockedon the chest. "It is far in excess of what I expected, but a third?" He glanced inRishi's direction. "Why not half? After all, it is my cart we are using... and my yaks."
"Rishi will accompany me to Langdarma." Atreus withdrew a second handfulof coins and passed them to Rishi. "Save for the small portion I save for thepassage home, the rest of the coins will be his."
"The good sir is too generous," said Rishi. Like Bharat, he could not take hiseyes off the coffer's contents. "I hope you will make your passage home a comfortable one."
"I'm glad you're both pleased." Atreus closed the coffer, then listened to the telltale hiss of the magic lock reactivating itself. "But if you don't like my terms, you are free to leave with what I've given you already.""Leave?" gasped Rishi. "Oh no, I am most happy to go with you as far as you wish.""And you will take one of my yaks with you," offered Bharat, "to carry your load andprovide milk and warmth in the high places where there is none."
"Good. Let us hope we'll all be happy men in two days." Atreus said as he closed the lid of the cargo basket. "Until then, we can put this unpleasantness behind usand sleep well."It did not escape Atreus's notice that as he spoke, the eyes of the two Marremained fixed on the basket. He shook his head, then took the pot and went offto milk the yaks. It was someone else's turn to worry about his gold.